
Photo: Innovationsfonden
20 FEB

Cars to report on road condition

Leveraging modern car technology to continuously collect road data may help produce real-time digital images of road maintenance needs.

Mapping and surveying Data analysis Sensors Mathematical modelling Mobility
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ten researchers receive grants for 'wild' experiments

VILLUM FONDEN is giving ten researchers up to DKK 2 million (EUR 268,000) each in funding to explore novel ideas. The money is earmarked for innovative and ‘wild’ ideas...

Biotechnology Energy and supply Physics IT and cyber security Health technology
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
13 JUN

Ti forskere får støtte til vilde eksperimenter

Ti forskeres vilde eksperimenter får støtte fra VILLUM FONDEN, der med programmet VILLUM Eksperimenter støtter skæve forskningsideer.

Biotechnology Energy and supply Physics IT and cyber security Health technology
Photo: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Five young researchers can step up their research

Five DTU researchers under the age of 40 receive a total of almost DKK 46 million (EUR 6,2 million) from VILLUM FONDEN and can now speed up their research careers.

Chemistry IT and cyber security Physics Mathematics
Foto: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Fem yngre forskere kan fyre op under deres forskning

Fem DTU-forskere under 40 år modtager tilsammen knap 46 mio. kr. fra VILLUM FONDEN og kan nu sætte fart på deres forskningsprojekter.

Chemistry IT and cyber security Physics Mathematics
19 FEB

Unik mulighed for dansk materialeforskning

Om få år står verdens stærkeste mikroskoper klar i Lund, specielt dedikeret til materialeforskning. Et nyt dansk projekt skal hjælpe virksomhederne med at udnytte det...

Physics Lasers Image analysis
19 FEB

Unique opportunity for Danish materials research

In a few years, the world’s most powerful microscopes will be operational in Lund—specifically dedicated to materials research. A new Danish project will help companies...

Physics Image analysis Lasers
Security check
15 FEB

Better X-ray screening to improve safety at airports

The growing safety challenge in air traffic often creates chaos and delays in airports’ luggage handling. Now a number of companies and research groups in the Danish...

Physics Image analysis Computer calculations
12 FEB

Bedre røntgen skal øge sikkerheden i lufthavne

Den voksende udfordring med sikkerhed i flytrafikken skaber ofte kaos og forsinkelser i lufthavnenes bagagehåndtering. Nu går en række virksomheder og forskningsgrupper...

Physics Image analysis Computer calculations
Photo: Colourbox
08 FEB

Technological ‘hot or not’ in 2016

Plastic solar cells, fusion energy, virtual reality and new forms of chemical energy are set to become popular technologies in 2016—if you ask five DTU researchers, who...

IT and cyber security Physics Energy and supply

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